Holy Week

Holy Week is the final week of Lent, leading up to Easter, and commemorates the events of Jesus’ Passion, Death, and Resurrection. It begins on Palm Sunday and ends on Holy Saturday.

  1. Palm Sunday: Celebrates Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem, with palm branches and the beginning of his Passion.

  2. Holy Thursday (Maundy Thursday): Commemorates the Last Supper, the institution of the Eucharist, and Jesus washing the disciples' feet.

  3. Good Friday: Remembers the Passion and Crucifixion of Jesus, with solemn services and the veneration of the Cross.

  4. Holy Saturday: A day of waiting, ending with the Easter Vigil in the evening, celebrating Jesus' Resurrection.

  5. Easter Sunday: The celebration of Christ’s Resurrection, marking the joy of new life and the beginning of the Easter season.

Holy Week is a time for deep reflection, prayer, and preparation for Easter.


Sunday 13th of April: Palm Sunday

  • Mass 11 A.M

  • Mass 7 P.M

Thursday 17th of April: Holy Thursday

  • Mass of the Lord’s Supper 7 P.M.

  • Followed by Holy Hour

Friday 18th of April: Good Friday

  • Stations of the Cross 12 P.M.

  • Veneration of the Cross Service 7 P.M.

Saturday 19th of April: Holy Saturday

  • Easter Vigil Mass 8 P.M.

Sunday 20th of April: Easter Sunday

  • Mass 11 A.M.

  • Followed by brunch and Egg Hunt